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Reflective Overview

This semester in my UCCP-Seminar class our main focus was using integrative learning. If your not familiar what Integrative learning is, it is basically the type of learning that occurs when you learn something in one subject/situation and it correlates and helps you in another subject/situation.


The most obvious example I have is my Seminar class. This class is designed to help first year students learn how to apply certain study methods and gives them the help they may need to get over common obstacles between the students. One example of how this class allowed me to integratively learn was during my first semester. I was taking a computer science class and was having trouble with a certain portion of our study. After practicing group work on some questions I was clueless on, I began to see how others worked on the problems and started to create my own method of finding the solution for myself. With this intended "group work" practice, I got a good understanding on finding the solutions myself and watched my confidence and grade go up. If it wasn't for my Seminar class I believe I would have struggled so much more on finding the solution to my problem.


Another example of integrative learning was in my computer science class. In this class I spent countless hours compiling code and getting a lot of errors. With these errors I was forced to use my problem solving skills to find the errors and think of other ways to complete the task at hand. By taking the concept that there are more than one way to complete a task, this allows me to see real world situations with an open mind and has in fact helped with being more efficient in completing my tasks.


In conclusion integrative learning is very helpful in both the classroom and in the real world. If you have not practiced this concept, I suggest that you start to practice it and apply to your everyday tasks.

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